When it’s time to return home.

Smiling girl playing the piano

We are committed to providing you with a smooth hospital checkout experience.

At Helen De Vos Children’s Hospital, we understand that the process of checking out can be overwhelming, especially after a day that may have involved medical procedures, tests, or treatment. We're here to provide you with essential information and tips to ensure a smooth and stress-free departure.

We want to send you home feeling confident.

Before you leave the hospital, it's crucial to be well-prepared for a successful transition home. Here's a checklist of what you should know before heading home with your child:

  1. Care Instructions: Understand any necessary care instructions, including treatments and feeding routines. Clarify any doubts with your healthcare team to ensure you can provide proper care.
  2. Medications: Familiarize yourself with the medications prescribed, including dosage and administration instructions. Ensure you have a sufficient supply and know when and how to administer each dose.

  3. Daily Living Needs: Check if there are any special instructions or modifications needed for day-to-day living at home. This may include mobility aids, home safety precautions, or dietary restrictions.

  4. Communication with Family and Friends: Prepare for conversations with family and friends about your child’s condition and recovery process. Discuss how visits will work, including any specific guidelines or restrictions. Consider how to address questions about masks or other care measures in public.

  5. Next Appointments: Be aware of upcoming doctor's appointments, their locations, and any necessary tests or procedures. Ensure you have the date and time of the next appointment.

Leaving the hospital is a significant step in your journey to recovery, and being well-informed is the key to a smooth transition. Use this checklist to guide your preparations and ensure that you have all the information and resources needed to care for your child at home. We are here to support you and answer any questions you may have before you head home.

Our trusted network of support.

Our commitment to supporting families goes beyond care, as we connect you with a network of trusted organizations. These partners, including Ellie's Place, Gilda's Club, Children's Healing Center, Make-A-Wish Michigan, Connecting Champions, National Grace Foundation, and Monkey in my Chair, provide essential resources and support. You'll find their materials and information readily available in our Family Resource Library.

Additionally, we collaborate with numerous local, regional, and national camps like Camp Make-A-Dream, Camp Casey, North Star Reach, and Great Lakes Burn Camp, offering unique experiences and opportunities for families.

Health Information at Your Fingertips.

Manage your child’s health by requesting access to be their MyChart proxy.