Recreational therapy uses recreation and other activities to address the needs of individuals with illnesses and/or disabling conditions, as a means to healing the whole person. Our recreational therapists provide a variety of opportunities for you to explore your capabilities in a social and community setting. Our goal is to help you return to the activities and interests you have come to know and love.
Our therapists work will work with you to restore motor, social and cognitive functioning, build confidence, develop coping skills, and integrate skills learned in treatment settings into community settings. Therapeutic recreational activities vary widely and are based upon your interests.
With your personal interests in mind, we plan activities inside and outside the rehabilitation facility. Examples of these include cooking a meal, art projects, playing music, gardening or fishing. Our goal is make the therapy meaningful and relevant to you and your interests. By weaving healthy activities into other therapeutic treatments, we are not only improving function, but also your independence and successful involvement in all aspects of life.