Renal vascular disease

Renal vascular disease refers to a number of causes that reduce blood flow through veins and arteries of the kidneys. Without proper treatment, renal vascular disease can lead to high blood pressure and kidney failure. Spectrum Health’s vascular specialists collaborate with a multidisciplinary team to provide the best expertise and comprehensive treatment plan for each patient.

Treatment options

Treating renal vascular disease focuses on taking pressure off the veins that carry blood to your kidneys. We start with medicine that eases blood flow through congested veins and arteries. 

If you need additional help, our experts will talk to you about next steps. We don't need to remind you how important it is to protect your blood pressure and your kidneys for the future.

Percutaneous coronary intervention (angioplasty / stent placement)
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An angioplasty is a less invasive procedure that opens a clogged artery with a small balloon. This can be done through the wrist (radial) or the groin (femoral) artery. Typically this procedure includes the placement of stents.

Bypass surgery
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This surgery creates a bypass graft using a healthy blood vessel from another part of the body or a synthetic tube to reroute blood flow.

Stent placement
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A small mesh tube is surgically placed in the blood vessel or artery to keep it open for blood flow. Some stents are embedded with drugs to offer further protection against clogging. Some heart conditions call for the use of bare metal stents.

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